"P.S: Nobody should take this personal or too seriously, because this is just a bunch of words
from a guy who dreams and talks too much for his own good (Don't mind him O, he
just feels like a wise guy)”
If I were Goodluck, I would start by mornings by jogging down the road of a
highly populated area in a state far away from Abuja or Lagos and 100 meters
away from my security team so at blend in with the crowd, hoping that stones
don't come flying my way when I am noticed rather shouts of praise.
I would read the newspapers myself while having my million
naira breakfast rather than waiting for my numerous advisers read selected
cutouts from newspapers that don't paint the true story of what goes on in the
I would go on to confer with my overfed and overpaid
advisers what I could do or say on Independence Day so that I would achieve my
vision of being the most remembered President Nigeria has ever had, rather than
renaming an institution because nothing else seems news worthy.
I would ensure, I zero in on one point (most likely power)
that would make me remembered when I achieve it rather than panning across
several issues and achieving none.
By mid day I would most probably order an air strike on
several areas in the north to deal with a long standing issue that has caused
death and chaos there, rather than continuously offering amnesty. Hopefully,
there's correct intelligence not to bomb innocent civilians and the military
has the capacity to carry out the air strike effectively.
I would most likely draft a policy and setup a monitoring
committee that would ensure that top multinationals invest their taxes into the
education sector rather than paying it to the government since it might end up
being diverted into private pockets. I create an employee volunteering scheme
for employees of the multinationals to volunteer some hours every week to teach
in a school.
By night fall I would create an act (or one of those
things that they do) that all governors, ministers, members of both houses of
assembly and myself would sleep without light (neither PHCN, renewable energy,
inverter nor generator) for two nights every week so as to have a feel of
what's goes on in the country.
Before my night cap, I would introspect to determine if my
name's charm has worked as well as its rumored to have.
Finally, by God's grace I would wake up the morning after
suffering from a hangover of too much power and hope that all I have done
doesn't get undone in the blink of an eye.
In truth I know that Goodluck most likely has the
most difficult job in the world, thus I cannot begin to imagine or fathom how
he spends his God given 24 hours, what I am certain I would attempt to do,
would be to retrace my steps to see my progress in the past months compared to
leaders that were in a similar situation to see what milestones I have made and
what techniques, strategies or ideas remain unthought.