Just that last little look to assure myself that I was well dressed enough to get a compliment or two, dressed enough to knock the ladies I might encounter off their feet just by the looks of one as fresh as I.
Just that one little look to ensure that I looked prime and proper like an English gentleman of nobility.
Just that one little look to assure myself that I looked confident and ready to take on the day regardless of whatever surprises comes with it.
Although I knew that whatever I saw in the mirror would be nothing short of a false reflection. A false reflection of masked emotions belonging to a scared little boy unsure of the decisions he had been making. A shy little boy too scared to express his thoughts and opinions fearing that they may suffer the crude criticism of the people he sometimes admired.
Just that one little glance of reassurance was all I took and what I saw was not a reflection of myself but of a lion roaring in the dark. I stood transfixed; a chill went down my spine, if I had a tail it would have dropped off, for the fear and shock of the sight in the mirror.
However, I stood still in front of the mirror, bewildered yet curious. My legs and every part of my body pleaded for motion in any direction but I refused to move. Not that I didn’t have the capacity to run though I was in total shock, neither was I too scared to do so but my curiosity seemed to have taken the wheel. I felt a buzzing near my ears and the roaring of the lion became a baritone voice which I understood clearly.
The voice said to keep calm and be
reassured for though I had fallen several times and had gone down several wrong
routes I would reach the greatness that lay ahead. All I needed to do was take
a deep breath and put out the fear in my heart, which had been masked with seeming

Like a flash it all disappeared except for
the retreating image of the lion that had metamorphosed into the image of me.
It was as though I had met with my future self, who was not going to let me
ruin it all.
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